Chicken Lion railhop Shanghai as Smart Object-1_NOSHARP_RGB

What do you do for a living? Mobile Bicycle Mechanic

Best trip you have been on? China for defo!

Wildest trip you have been on? I once went to an Eco Village in LDN with Avalon for the weekend that was wild.

Harshest trip you have been on? The Big KL – hit my face and it was hot!

Videos/DVDs you have been in? Ride to Glory, Handle With Care, Brighton Aint Ready, Unsung, The Make Rain Dogs! the list is endless obviously.

Dream trip destination? Tampa Bay Florida, so i could drive some big Monster Trucks

Nightmare trip destination? Hiroshima, but only if Mark Le-hair went too

Ideal spot? Wallrides, Avi’s Trails, Alianos

What ideally would you have to eat and drink at a BBQ? Whiskey, Milk and Meat

Favorite Music (Bands, groups, solo whatever)? David Bowie, Sea Sick Steve

You have to murder one person and try and get away with it. How you going to do it? Who says i haven’t already done it? When was the last time you spoke to Homer or Cannon Si?